SALT team of the future can address today’s needs


Workplace changes during the last decade have made new demands on tax compliance teams, with state and local tax (SALT) professionals, in particular, facing increased pressure to transform. In an article published in the March/April issue of Tax Executive titled, “The SALT Team of the Future, An income tax perspective on the evolution of work environments,” Jamie Yesnowitz, Grant Thornton Principal and SALT Solutions Leader in the Washington National Tax Office, writes about how the many changes to a modern office environment should lead to a rethinking of the composition and function of a company’s SALT team.


To have the right people in place doing the right jobs with these changes, Yesnowitz describes the composition of a core group of diverse SALT professionals that can best address the myriad SALT challenges of today. This “SALT Team of the Future” has six vital components, each with a different core competency, but each aligned to work together.


To understand this new working model, Yesnowitz first details how today’s dynamically functioning office environment has changed over the last quarter century in the wake of technology advances and hybrid working environments. But these workplace changes only tell part of the story. Yesnowitz also focuses on how novel and numerous state-specific tax changes, combined with trickle-down effects of federal legislation such as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and the CARES Act, have created much more complexity in the compliance function.


Click the link here to read Yesnowitz’s Tax Executive article and learn more about the SALT Team of the Future, and find out how the skills of this team of professionals could be what your company needs to succeed today. 





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