Grant Thornton’s Metroplex Case Competition is a one-day competition hosted by Grant Thornton LLP’s Dallas office. The case will focus on an accounting issue and current events. Participating schools include Texas Christian University, the University of North Texas, the University of Texas at Arlington and the University of Texas at Dallas. Each university will be represented by one team.
Rules and policies
- Each team will consist of six students: one sophomore, a combination of three juniors and seniors, a graduate student and one alternate member. All team members must be enrolled at their university.
- On October 15, Grant Thornton will email the case to teams so they can prepare for the live case competition on Friday, November 6.
- Presentations will be made at the Dallas office (1717 Main St., Suite 1800, Dallas, TX 75201) on November 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Each team will have total of 45 minutes — 30 minutes to present the case and 15 minutes for Q&A. Every team member is required to speak for at least five minutes, and all team members should be prepared for a Q&A session following the presentation.
- The winner will be determined by a points system.
- The first-place team will receive $7,500, and the runner-up will receive $2,500.
- Any current, former, or committed future Grant Thornton employees are not allowed to participate to eliminate any Firm bias.
The registration deadline is October 1.
Please contact your university representatives for registration information:
Texas Christian University - Renee Olvera, +1 817 257 7578,
University of North Texas - Jose Lineros, +1 817 291 4560,
University of Texas at Arlington - John Repsis, +1 972 641 6583,
University of Texas at Dallas - John Barden, +1 605 759 0918,
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