To our clients and neighbors,
Grant Thornton has been shocked and saddened by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the civil unrest that has followed in cities around our country. While many of us cannot truly understand the depth of frustration and anger our Black teammates, friends and neighbors are feeling, we do know racism and injustice when we see it. The killing of George Floyd is only the latest chapter in a shameful history of unequal treatment of Black people in the U.S., and it should offend every American who believes in the founding ideals of our nation.
At Grant Thornton, we have been working to build a diverse and inclusive firm and culture in a broad variety of ways. We will accelerate and intensify this work going forward. The charge for action is inescapable, and it falls to all of us.
We join in the call to build a more just and inclusive culture in all our communities. Despite the damage that has blighted so many American cities in recent days, I am hopeful for the future. I see thousands of Americans joining in peaceful demonstrations calling for change in positive and productive ways. I see progress toward racial understanding and respect in so many families, businesses, community groups and houses of worship throughout our nation. I believe we all can carry the light of this shared experience into our neighborhoods, our cities and our country to build a better future together.
I look forward to doing this work with all of you.

Bradley J. Preber
Retired CEO
Bradley J. Preber is the retired CEO of Grant Thornton LLP, a leading global provider of audit, tax and advisory services to companies, non-profit organizations and government entities.
Phoenix, Arizona
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